Amy Carbone

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9 KPIs to Track for Your General Dentistry Practice

Your dental practice, at its foundation, is a business. Like any business, you will want it to make enough revenue that you can keep the bills paid...

What Are Appropriate Ways to Market a Dental Practice?

As a dental practice owner, you may not realize the importance marketing has on your business overall. However, without getting the word out about...

What's Your Virtual Study Style? Exam Prep Tips for Dental Students

In the spring of 2020, the world changed. The way we all did business and went to school systematically changed. Along with it, so did the way tests...

Local SEO Cheat Sheet for Dentists

In today’s technologically driven society, where customers are using their smartphones to research facts about businesses, or medical services, it’s...

Seeking to Hire a Great Receptionist for Your Dental Practice

Although Merriam Webster defines “receptionist” as a greeter, a person who welcomes patients or guests into your office, the actual scope of the job...

Seeking to Schedule Efficient Dental Patient Visits

Any business needs proper structure and organization to run optimally. Your dental practice is no exception. Use the following tips to help one of...

What’s the Future of Dentistry Technology?

The world of dentistry is ever-evolving, incorporating new and innovative technologies into the patient treatment process. New tech like 3D printing,...

7 COVID Procedures of Dental Practices

In the spring of 2020, the United States was inundated with mandatory shutdowns and closures in reaction to the novel virus COVID-19. Since that...

How to Write a New Patient Call Script for Your Dental Practice

While treating the same patients year after year is nostalgic and even admirable, as a healthy, thriving dental practice, you must reach beyond...

How to Become a Dental Associate

A dental associateship is an excellent way to practice dentistry without the burden of running one’s own independent practice. Dental associateships...

How to Conduct Performance Reviews at a Dental Practice

Regular performance reviews may be an important part of establishing and maintaining a dental practice. Unfortunately, the process of performing them...

What Is a Cost of Living Rider?

Disability income insurance can come with the option of various optional riders you can add to your policy. Before committing to a disability income...
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